Rockingham Monthly Meeting
of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Quakers)

The Queries

Since the early days of the Quaker faith, Friends have used spiritual questions - called "queries" - as a means of assessing our spiritual state as individuals and as Meetings. As a member Meeting of Ohio Yearly Meeting, Rockingham Friends regularly answers the following queries on a yearly cycle. We formulate our answers as a group, and then send them on to the wider fellowship.

Once a year, Friends from across the eastern United States gather together for Ohio Yearly Meeting, in Barnesville, Ohio. At that time, we synthesize our answers to the queries, producing a single answer to each one that represents the spiritual condition of the Yearly Meeting as a whole that year. The queries provide a means for us to confess our shortcomings, acknowledge the work that Christ is doing in our lives, and to consider how we might better live out our Christian faith as Friends.

1st Query: Are meetings for worship well and punctually attended? Is our behavior therein conducive to meditation and communion with God? Do we maintain a waiting spiritual worship and a free gospel ministry? Do we welcome others to share this fellowship with us?

2nd Query: Do we cherish a forgiving spirit, and strive to “walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us”? Is each one of us careful for the reputation of others? Are we ever mindful to love our neighbor as ourselves? If differences threaten to disrupt the Christian harmony between the members, is prompt action taken?

3rd Query: Are our homes places of peace, joy, and contentment? Are they an influence for good in the neighborhood, community, and country? Do we set a good Christian example for our children to follow? Are Friends careful that their children realize that our loving Savior will faithfully guide them through life, as they are willing to accept and obey Him? Do we help our children to read and appreciate the Bible?

4th Query: Believing our bodies to be the temple of God, are we concerned to attain a high level of physical and mental health? To this end are our lives examples of temperance in all things? Do we avoid and discourage the use and handling of intoxicants, tobacco, and improper use of drugs?

5th Query: Are we sensitive to the needs of those around us who may be in less fortunate circumstances? Do we prayerfully consider how we can share one another's burdens when the need arises? Do we counsel lovingly and prayerfully with those members whose actions in any phase of life give us grounds for concern?

6th Query: Do we live in the Life and Power which takes away the occasion of all wars? Do we, on Christian principles, refuse to participate in or to cooperate with the military effort? Do we work actively for peace and the removal of the causes of war? Do we endeavor to cultivate good will, mutual understanding, and equal opportunities for all people?

7th Query: Do we observe simplicity in our manner of living, sincerity in speech, and modesty in apparel? Do we guard against involving ourselves in temporal affairs to the hindrance of spiritual growth? Are we just in our dealings and careful to fulfill our promises? Do we seek to make our Christian faith a part of our daily work?

8th Query: Are we faithful to Christ’s command to avoid swearing oaths? Are we watchful for and faithful to Christ’s promptings to share with others our testimony against the use of oaths? Do we avoid gambling and speculation based on the principles of chance?

9th Query: Are we sensitive to the problems of family living? Do we offer counseling to couples both before and after marriage? How are we helping individuals, married couples and family units to strengthen and enrich their lives?

Rockingham Monthly Meeting Query Schedule

Affiliate members and worship groups should send their answers to RMM during each month, as listed below. The answers will be read aloud at our meeting for business on the first Sunday of the following month and included in the summary answer that we forward to Rockingham Quarterly Meeting.

Month Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July
Query - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Adm. 1 2